March 5, 2009

Ethan's Chapel Play

Ethan did his first grade Chapel play, it was called "A Hat For Ivan," by Max Lucado. Ethan played a Fireman named Bruno, he did really good saying his lines. All the kids did really good!

The finale!

Ethan's audience!

Ethan and his friend Brian. Brian was the Baker.

A couple of friends from his class, Nathan and Kaleb.


Pegi said...

Oh how nice ! - I'm sure Ethan put his 'all' into his Fireman part - and what a nice part ! Ethan makes us all very proud !

AdoptedAsHisOwn said...

Love this! brings back memories of my class' chapels!

Mom wanted us to go too but I thought it would be too hard with 4 but they probably would have enjoyed it very much. Next year we hope to make "Bruno's" chapel! Mom said he did great!..... and that he loves the stage!! Love you, Ethan!